Robert Stam, a reader of A hora da estrela
Film, Critical reception, Fiction and societyAbstract
In A literatura através do cinema, Robert Stam discusses Suzana Amaral´s filmic adaptation of Clarice Lispector´s novel A hora da estrela. Stam indicates a recurring critical issue in the confrontation between the film and literary book, which is the exclusion of the narrator-character Rodrigo S.M. of the movie and elements of reflexivity related to the narrator, as well as the relation of this suppression with the conflicts between narrative cinema and artistic modernism. We follow the theoretical and critical debate of Stam, one of the most relevant contemporary theorists, supplementing his theory in the approach of the two works. We use narratology as support, emphasising categories such as narrator and character. In terms of results, we have noticed that Stam shows us such a respect by the filmic work seen in its discursive autonomy as well a certain deception for the film gived up language experiences from the source-text.
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