RECONTEXTUALIZATION OF THE –ISM: Disputes around an “in crisis” journalism
Journalism, Crisis, ContextAbstract
This article aims to problematize, through a historicizing exercise, the idea of “journalism’s crisis” diagnosed by various contemporary authors and media agents. In order to do so, we are dedicated to comprehend and to inquire a series of self-referential discourses seeking, in a first moment, to outline the characteristics of this context of crisis. As we shall see, they depart from a modern belief system which, under the tutelage of a -ism, seeks to delimit the frontiers of journalistic exercise, based on a set of values, institutions, which would now face a series of questions and reiterations. Finally, we analyze some of the answers - coming from “reference” and “alternative” media - that allow us to understand which conceptions of journalism are updated in this context, and how different agents of news media claim a place in this recontextualization.
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