Cyberjournalistic practices in Virtual Reality: innovation and impact on the production processes
Production processes, Virtual Reality, Innovation.Abstract
The production of contents in Virtual Reality (VR) marked the year of 2016 in the cyberjournalism. This tendency, also defined as immersive journalism, which includes static images and moving images in 360 degrees, third dimension and augmented reality, among other resources, should be increased in 2017, following the direction of innovation of expressive contents. This is what several newsrooms experiments have indicated. Based on a study of two newsrooms with content in Spanish language, this article discusses the innovative character of VR for journalism and its implications on work and productions processes. The methodology includes a review of the literature about innovation, immersive journalism and VR, interviews with professionals and description of selected contents, with the purpose to think how the growth of this type of journalism can transform work and production methods in newsrooms.Downloads
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