The construction of the user in the audiovisual culture of YouTube
User, Video platforms, YouTubeAbstract
This article presents an initial mapping of the ways in which the user is constructed on YouTube and raises questions that are problems of knowledge for contemporary studies on image and audiovisual content on the web. Over its ten years of existence, the platform constructed its users associated to several meanings, valuing his amateur status, or, more recently, that of the creator, developer and entrepreneur with audiovisual content as the center of this entire process. These relationships are discussed in dialogue with authors such as Benjamin and Certeau, who discuss the place of the technique in culture and in the relationships between production and consumption, besides ownership and use in everyday life. The contradictions between a user programmed by the interface and a user who reprogrammed demonstrates a transitional and complex technical stage. It is therefore an important stage for audiovisual and communication studies.Downloads
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