Young people and audiovisual culture: new ways of watching television
Television reception, Communication, ConvergenceAbstract
This article attempts to examine some of the theoretical concepts that, until recently, have been crucial for the understanding of TV-related reception processes. The present discussion belongs to a reseach project which focuses on audiovisual culture in Uruguayan young people during times of media convergence, and the place of television within such process. What is to watch TV, for the young? What does it mean? In which narrative of everyday life is this activity integrated? These are some of the questions that articulate the project. Answering them will envolve a reconsidaration of the notions of mediation, domesticity, and domestication. Have home-related and the domestic aspects lost their relevance in the new ways of watching television? Some early results have been rendered by a series of semi-structured interviews which focus on how young people construct their everday practices.Downloads
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