Contemporary elucidations in media studies and religion: the perspective of cultural and communicational mediations
Media, Religion, CommunicationAbstract
Study around the contemporary phenomena that have marked the media and religion interface in Brazil, seeking clarifications to suggest new ways of research in this area. For this, the theoretical basis of the cultural studies are taken, particularly the Latin American studies, with the contribution of Jesús Martin-Barbero and his theory of cultural and communicational mediations. The methodology consists of a review of research already undertaken by the author of this work on the light of the theories of social mediatization, under Martin-Barbero’s perspective of mediations. It also includes the identification of emerging issues, from ongoing monitoring of religious media programs and religious issues in the mainstream media. A framework of changes and challenges in the studies in media, religion and culture in Brazil, in the years 2010, is outlined, through the correlation to an approach around the religious mediations in media communication and of the communicational mediations of religion.Downloads
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