Transmedia consumption in television contents: exploring possibilities on a research agenda
Transmedia consumption, Soup operas, MiniseriesAbstract
The paper proposes a research agenda about transmedia consumption of television content, making an exploratory analysis of quantitative data on the use of means capable of giving signals for the understanding of transmedia consumption practices. For the analysis, we use the Sisem Suite software and we worked over the first quarter of 2014 Database of Media General Study - EGM, conducted by Ipsos MediaCT between sixteen Brazilian markets. In this exploration, we have chosen television as the privileged place of observation (reference media), on the basis of our research interests and from data provided by the EGM itself in relation to so-called heavy users. Analysis on the agenda and preliminary field observations allow us to assume that the development of transmídias television content by Brazilian producers should be guided more by strategies of “feedback / resonances” that “expansions / deepening “of content.Downloads
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