World wars and changes in the social theory of media and communication
World wars, Social theory of media, PropagandaAbstract
If war is the continuation of politics by other means, there is no doubt that communication was always a key part of it. Wars involve not only violence, but also persuasion, counter-information, ideological conviction and confrontation. In modern wars, the media have played a fundamental part in mobilizing nations shaped by the dynamics of uprooting and de-territorialization into collective efforts designed to achieve popular support the State’s war actions. This paper discusses the change that theory and research in communication and media underwent in the period between the two world wars of the twentieth century. This is a historical context that is crucial for an understanding of how the institutionalization of the field of communication in a major country like the US took place in a social and political context which shaped its epistemology and theoretical positioning, and contributed to the way power was established in the system of research in the universities. Its repercussions are still being felt today in diverse and complex ways.Downloads
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