Coffee table book as anapparatus for sociocultural identity
Coffee table book, Taschen, ApparatusAbstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze coffee table books as one of a series of apparatuses for sociocultural identity. The thesis under consideration is that, to begin with, since they are especially laden with visual appeal, these works are arranged in the ambience for merely decorative purposes but, in fact, the intention is that they serve as emblems of a variety of esthetic signals, and thus reveal the persona of the one who has put them on display. The object, which is symbolized here by works from Germany’s Taschen publishing company, is interpreted according to Agamben’s apparatus concept. In order to highlight the specific elements in the books that give rise to sociocultural identity, we examined studies on object systems, consumer habits, luxuries, and cultural capital. The works are also analyzed as goods with symbolic and fetish value.Downloads
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