The radio in fiction Latin America: imaginary of twentieth-century


  • Dóris Haussen Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Radio, Fiction, Imaginary, Latin America.


The history of twentieth-century Latin America refers to the role of radio in those societies. What imaginary circulated about the vehicle and were apprehended by fiction? To answer this question is the purpose of this paper through the analysis of four novels and a short story in Latin America, where it is a reflection on the imaginary and also about the role of radio. We conclude that the imaginary circulating in the different contexts of the period was captured and recorded by writers of fiction who, by producing their stories, drew a picture of the reality of the different countries of Latin America. And the radio disseminating their messages reflecting local realities showed that certain applicants were imaginary: affective relationships, loneliness, professional activity in the radio and, in particular, the situation of women in the labor market.


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Author Biography

Dóris Haussen, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



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How to Cite

Haussen, D. (2014). The radio in fiction Latin America: imaginary of twentieth-century. Revista FAMECOS, 20(3), 634–647.


