The social movements and the media in times of globalization: a study of approaches of brazilian and spanish newspapers about the MST and Human Rights


  • Fábio Souza da Cruz UCPel



Media, human rights, social movements


In this article, we work some problems involving the tradicional media, the social movements – especially the Movement of the Agricultural Landless Workers (MST) and the human rights (DH) in times of neoliberal globalization, through a comparative study of the online editions of newspapers Folha de São Paulo (Brazil) and El Mundo (Spain) in 2010. Adopting a critical, historical and dialectical approach, we make an intersection between these objects in order to discuss both issues and pointing out possible alternatives considering the urgency of a (re)think the DH and the media’s role in this scenario. In order to carry out the study, the theories of Roland Barthes, Douglas Kellner, Joaquín Herrera Flores and David Sánchez Rubio are taken into consideration.


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How to Cite

da Cruz, F. S. (2013). The social movements and the media in times of globalization: a study of approaches of brazilian and spanish newspapers about the MST and Human Rights. Revista FAMECOS, 19(3), 795–820.


