Shaping the Brazilian international image: a study on the foreign correspondents’ reporting routines
International news, Foreign correspondents, News agencies, National imagery, Self-referentiality.Abstract
This paper analyzes the role of foreign correspondents in shaping Brazilian international imagery. The theoretical foundation draws on the concepts of Anthrojournalism, Agenda Setting and Gatekeeping elaborated by distinguished author as Hannerz, Said and Gans. The empirical content is a result of recent academic research and the author’s long career as a foreign correspondent in Europe and Latin America. The study addresses the production of the foreign correspondents in international news agencies based in Brazil, especially those journalists in the television segment. They have a key role in constructing and projecting Brazilian image abroad. However, their news production reflects a communication process of self-referentiality that uses the Brazilian press as a primary source for news correspondents who work in the countryDownloads
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