Imaginary and seduction: the aesthetics communication
Imaginary, aesthetics, seduction, beautyAbstract
This paper is a reflection about images and their aesthetics, for cultural studies of the imaginary. Based on Gilbert Durand (1998), the imaginary is near culture, while maintaining relationships between the subjective world and the objective reality. The author emphasizes that reality is triggered by the presence of the imaginary, which is contained in the imagination. Acting in the imagination, the aesthetic seduction runs through that which inspires pleasure, as well as aesthetics beyond beauty: the mythology shows mermaids, gargoyles, grotesque images that also inspired pleasure as much as the traditional concept of what is considered beautiful. In the contemporaneity the imaginary is seduced by artificial means extensively propagated in the media as a possibility of recovery of visual aesthetics, which runs the risk of falling at the other end, leading to bizarre consequences or even grotesque ones.Downloads
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