The material mediatization building: an investigation of the technical-expressive procedures from the TV mini-series O Primo Basílio and Os Maias
Television, scenery, costumesAbstract
This work looks up through the production of the sceneries and costumes of two Brazilian TV mini-series, linked by their original author. Throughout a historically overview we discuss the modernization of production since 1988 (O Primo Basílio) to 2000 (Os Maias), when we can find advanced technological resources and a better structured production work organization. The better quality of image, the enhancement search for the period likeness, and the deep historical research, between others, has increased the seduction strategies of the television company. In parallel with a more specific look, we try to understand how the technological and aesthetical procedures used in the costume’s creation and characterization insert themselves in the emergence of the mediatization, a process that by itself is characteristic of a globalized society.Downloads
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