Transformation scenarios: Journalism and History in the twentieth century


  • Marialva Carlos Barbosa UFRJ



Journalism, history, history of journalism


Three scenarios constitutive relations journalism and history are presented in this text: Journalism in History, Journalism and History and History of Journalism. These three movements are at the heart of the epistemological exchanges between the theoretical field of journalism and the theoretical field of history. As part of what we call the history of journalism some scenarios of change in Brazilian journalism in the first half of the twentieth century are analyzed, providing thus an exercise in methodological nature to the development of theoretical assumptions presented in the first two parts of the article. This text was originally presented as a conference call for tenders for the Chair Professor of Journalism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), held in December 2011, and in which I was approved.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, M. C. (2012). Transformation scenarios: Journalism and History in the twentieth century. Revista FAMECOS, 19(2), 458–480.




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