The trajectory of McLuhan’s thoughts on the context of Brazilian Communication
Communication, McLuhan, Brazil, Theories of CommunicationAbstract
The purpose of this research is to reflect on the history and the repercussion of McLuhan´s thoughts on Communication in Brazil. Since the translation of McLuhan’s early works into Portuguese, still in the 1960s, Brazilian Communication thought has found itself deeply marked by the ideas of this eminent author. To undertake this research, we reviewed articles, books and Brazilian dictionaries of Communication in order to understand how McLuhan was referenced and understand. This analysis allowed the construction of three phases that we consider essential to understand the impact of McLuhan´s thought in Brazil: ambiguity, silence and appropriation. Despite the other phases, the latter is marked by an appropriation of the ideas of the author, especially because of the advent of the Internet, which definitely marks McLuhan as one of the leading thinkers of this era.Downloads
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