The technique against chance: the bodies inter-hyper-active of contemporary
Subjectivities, Contemporary and bodies, InteractivityAbstract
It is possible to identify, in contemporary culture, a trend that could be named as the imperative of interactivity. With an increasing insistence, in the fields of arts and media, the spectators are requested to “actively participate”. This movement is in tune with certain anxiety and restlessness that characterize contemporary bodies, in the dizzying pace of present times, always encouraged to feel connected, tuned in and turned on, under the requirement to improve their performance and to be proactive or entrepreneurs in all aspects of daily life. This trend also reflects a belief grounded in contemporary culture: the “myth of scientism”. This text proposes to investigate some meanings of these phenomena, exploring the reasons why they are developing in this historical moment, and trying to identify what these processes reveal about contemporary subjectivity and bodily experiences.Downloads
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