Ecumenical Ecclesiology ─ Possibilitiesand Limits


  • Rudolf von Sinner Universidade de Berna


Ecumenical ecclesiology. Ecumenism. Church. Churches.


The author discusses the possibilities and limits of an ecumenical ecclesiology, considering it can only be possible if the starting point is the sacrament of Baptism and not a sacramental ecclesiology, based on the Bishop consecrated in the apostolic succession, as the Catholic and Orthodox Churches profess. He begins by exposing the relationship between understanding the Evangelical Church as a true church and its relation to ecumenism. Next, he shows that the Catholic Church, in adopting an inclusive attitude, overcame ecclesiological exclusiveness. He also recognizes in Baptism the basic bond of unity between the Churches. Finally, he concludes by displaying twelve theses as possible elements of an ecumenical ecclesio-logy, from which it would be possible to propose an "ecumenical ecclesiology."


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Author Biography

Rudolf von Sinner, Universidade de Berna

Natural de Basileia/Suíça, doutor em teologia pela universidade da mesma cidade e livre-docente pela Universidade de Berna. É professor de Teologia Sistemática, Ecumenismo e Diálogo Inter-Religioso da Escola Superior de Teologia (EST) em São Leopoldo/RS e pró-reitor de pós-graduação e pesquisa da mesma instituição, bem como pastor da Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil (IECLB). É pesquisador bolsista do CNPq e, atualmente, fellow no Lichtenbergkolleg da Universidade de Göttingen (Alemanha).