O “Bom” Samaritano (Lc 10,29-37) – Reflexões hermenêuticas a propósito de “Igreja Samaritana”


  • Irineu J. Rabuske PUCRS


Bom Samaritano. Igreja Samaritana. Lc 10, 29-37. Aparecida. Samaritan Church. Good Samaritan.


The article discusses the exegetical and hermeneutical validity of the expression “Samaritan Church” used in the document of Aparecida and its reception. It starts from remembering the meaning of the literary gender of the parables in the Gospels, and then considers the context and the text of Luke’s (10,29-37) parable known as “good” Samaritan, and concludes that the application to the Church only can happen as intention to do the well by means of correspondent social and communitarian projects.


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Author Biography

Irineu J. Rabuske, PUCRS

Doutor em Teologia. Professor da Faculdade de Teologia da PUCRS.



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