Deborah's figure

An analysis of the memories contained in Judges 4-5




Deborah, Memories, Judges, North Israel


Deborah’s memoirs in Judges 4-5 belong to two different conflicts over turbulent events of the 10th century BC, one in the Mount Tabor region and the other in the Valley of Jezrael. With the advent of Writing, North Israel produced what would be the book of the “saviors and liberators” of the people, a text that was later inserted in the memory of the South. To reach the objective of analyzing Deborah’s recollections contained in Judges 4-5 we discussed in the light of the theoretical references on the images contained in the text. The readings pointed to issues such as Deborah’s role in northern Israel society as she is called a mother, prophet, warrior, and judge. The symbolism behind the mountain judgment and under a date palm leads to questions about the forms of worship of that time, also the symbolism by the name of “bee” and the apiary in Tel Rehov. Evidence suggests that Deborah is a representative of female worship or even female deity of ancient Israel.


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Author Biography

Leide Jane Soares Dos Santos, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Mestre em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), em São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil.


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