Pertenencia, estereotipos y rupturas - rudimentos de las fronteras

Un corte hermenéutico de la formación del Judaísmo Primitivo




Jewish, Foreign, Border, Nehemiah, Identity


This brief article aims to discuss elements constituting identities that generate and create borders, through dichotomous processes, binary conceptions and discourses of transformations, changes, originality and partial liberation of the sacred. To this end, our analysis will draw on sociological, philosophical and hermeneutic aspects. The analysis that we will make here is an interpretive cut, based on the so-called “memories of Nehemiah” and its importance in the process of identity formation of the new Jewish community, which culminated in the emergence of Primitive Judaism. Among other possibilities, we highlight three characteristic elements present in the conception and formation of this new identity, namely: the fiction of belonging, stereotypes and ruptures (scission). We conclude that in the identity formation processes of religious groups, two fronts are indispensable: (1) the religious element itself and; (2) the political element.


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Author Biography

Omar João da Silva, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil

Mestre e doutorando em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP).


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