The “exegete” and the “theologian” before the “scribe”

Episteme and hermeneutics in the study of biblical texts




Sacred scripture, Biblical exegesis, Biblical theology, Hermeneutics


The present reflection is based on the theories of knowledge. These deal with the critical study of the nature and the limits imposed on reason, particularly with regard to the logical structures and methodologies used by the sciences. While exegesis carries out the scientific analysis of the text, the biblical theology seeks to offer the scientific synthesis of this analysis, since it wishes to demonstrate the historical-doctrinal development of the Divine Revelation enclosed in the Old Testament and New Testament. This reflection follows an analytical, deductive and propositive methodology, subdividing in: Introduction; Preliminary observations; The notion of text; Brief focus on the scribe and analysis of Eclo 39:1-11; Last considerations.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Agostini Fernandes, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontificia Università Gregoriana (PUG), em Roma, IT, Itália; professor da Pontifícia Universidade Católica no Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), RJ, Brasil.


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