Become A Christian In The Middle Of The Fractures Of The Present


  • Margit Eckholt Universidade de Osnabrück



Sainthood. Vatican II. Structural changes. Conversion. Reform. Faith.


In this article is given, on the background of the impulses Vatican II to think about “sainthood”, an approach to the profound dimension of the structural ecclesial changes necessary today. There is´nt much attention paid to the document of Pope Francis Gaudete et exsultate, but it is important in our times of violence, corruption and fake news in the level of the global society, but also in a Church marked by spiritual and sexual abuse. The Council had paid attention to the very diverse Christian practices and to “sainthood” in the cotidian life, in Church and world. Faith is linked with the life of men and women in the plurality of biographies and contexts, and so, faith has a “public” dimension, and has to answer to questions coming from the “world”. This means for the Church to let behind all auto-centrism and eclesiocentrism, the Church has to realize being also “sinful” Church, and to stay behind behind the vocation to “sainthood”. The Church has to begin a process of conversion and reform, a structural change in service of the vocation to sainthood in the world of today.


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Author Biography

Margit Eckholt, Universidade de Osnabrück

Doutora em Teologia Sistemática pela Universidade de Tübingen. Professora ordinária de Teologia Dogmática e Fundamental na Universidade de Osnabrück. É Presidente do Intercâmbio Cultural Alemão Latino-americano (ICARA).


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Dossier: Holiness and Public Responsibility