Solus Christus in Face of Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue




Christology. Trinity. Martin Luther. Ecumenism. Inter-religious Dialogue.


The solus Christus is the principle that guides the others: The theology of the Reformation is Christcentered. For Christians, God’s revelation and our access to God passes through Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ, the incarnate, crucified and resurrected Son of God, according to the comprehension of the Christian tradition. This puts the Christian faith and theology that reflects on it in conflict with the strict monotheism of Muslims and Jews, on the one hand, and with Catholic Marian devotion, on the other, on defending the uniqueness of Christ as savior. This issue is the object of ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue and was a reason for strong polemics in Luther’s time. The present article seeks to present Luther’s position as to Islam, Judaism, and Maria in a differentiated way and defends that this cannot be, today, a dialogue with closed positions – but also not without a position: for whomever confesses the Christian faith, it is through Christ that God saves, gives Godself as a gift and relates Godself with us.


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