Solus Christus, Sola Ecclesia, and Religious Pluralism




Solus Christus. Religious Pluralism. Ecclesiology. Salvation. Mediation.


How to reconcile the salvific exclusivity of the “solus Christus” with the plurality of soteriological offers of other religions is the question that guides the present study. The reflection advances with the hypotheses that (a) insisting alone on the salvific mediator character of the “solus Christus” does not suffice to account for the complexity of the Christian idea of ‘mediation of salvation’ and that (b) there are sufficient elements in Christianity for the justification of a theology of religious pluralism. The thesis is that the deficiencies of an exclusively christological approach to salvation could be overcome by the doctrine of ecclesiological mediation, which, in the last analysis, evinces the cooperative role of human beings in the economy of salvation by means of their fundamental anthropological structure. By extension, the mediating and revealing character of non-Christian religious traditions is recognized, to which a fundamental role in the universal salvific plan is attributed.


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Author Biography

Leandro Luis Bedin Fontana, Institut für Weltkirche und Mission (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen) e Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Leandro Luis Bedin Fontana é licenciado em Filosofia (2001) pela FAFIMC, Viamão, RS, bacharel em Teologia (2008) pela PUC do Rio Grande do Sul e doutor em teologia pela Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Alemanha. Atualmente, é pesquisador no Institut für Weltkirche und Mission, em Frankfurt, e pesquisador associado ao Projeto de Pesquisa “Theologie als Wissenschaft” da Universidade Johann Goethe de Frankfurt.


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