Sola Scriptura between Tradition and Modernity




Reformation. Bible. Tradition. Modernity.


One of the most common mottos related to Lutheran theology can be found in the slogan “sola Scriptura”. This motto, which together with other similar ones was transformed in the 19th century into a type of synthesis of Protestantism, needs to be affirmed in face of a double challenge. On the one side is the tradition of the Christian Church and of the respective churches. Would the recourse to tradition be thrown out by the affirmation of the exclusiveness of the Bible? On the other side we find modernity, with its questionings not only of the dogmas, but of Scripture itself, questionings which are directed to it not only “from the outside”, but, maybe in an even more impactful way, “from within”, for example through a historical-critical exegesis. This article dialogs with “tradition” and “modernity” and seeks indicators for a critical-constructive relation of the watchword “sola Scriptura” with both of them.


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Author Biography

Martin Timóteo Dietz, Faculdades EST

Doutor em Teologia pela Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Erlangen-Nürberg/Alemanha). Atua na Cátedra contextual de pesquisa em Lutero, na Faculdades EST (São Leopoldo/RS). Contato: .


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