Sola gratia and Free Will: The Certainty of Salvation in Martin Luther’s Theology




Grace. Free will. Christ. Luther.


The medieval human being experienced dramatically the frailty of life, resulting from natural tragedies, epidemics, wars. Coercive and inquisitional theology and religion potentialized anxiety and uncertainty in the face of death and eternal judgement. Luther’s conception about justification by grace through faith and predestination are foundations for the reaffirmation of the certainty of salvation. In this study, we will analyze Luther’s theology of sola gratia ([by] grace alone) in correlation with the themes of predestination and free will, Christology and anthropology.


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Author Biography

Wilhelm Wachholz, Faculdades EST

Doutor em Teologia pelo Instituto Ecumênico de Pós-Graduação da Escola Superior de Teologia (IEPG-EST), São Leopoldo/RS, Brasil. Atua como professor de Teologia e História na Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo/RS, Brasil.


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