The Iconograph Profile




Artist. Arts. Faith. Iconograph. Church. Icon.


The focus of this paper is the profile of the iconographer who receives the gift of writing an icon and shows the importance of faith as a source of inspiration for artistic production. The text is divided into two parts, and emphasizes the arts as a potential encounter and communion with the Divine. The first part offers a reflection on the requirements a iconographer has to deal with, an artist who provides services to the humanity making possible the Divine's irruption in the world through a
talent received and cultivated in harmony with the Church. As for the second part, it emphasizes the ethical and social function of the iconographic art, its relationship with the liturgical life, justifying the mystery of the incarnation, a rich horizon of artistic themes. The spirituality of the artists and their contemplative dimension are emphasized to a point that their art's work becomes an actual divine
message. The iconographers and their art's work must be put to the service of the truth.


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