Ecclesistical hermeneutics of Mt 20, 1-16


  • Antonio Francisco Jacaúna Neto FAJE



Reign of Heaven. Vineyard. Employer. Calling and Sending. Being Church today.


The present article gives a quick explanation regarding the context in which the Gospel according to St. Matthew and timely a possible reading ecclesiastical of the known “parable of the workers in the vineyard”. The text has the pretense of situating the current relevance of this passage by performing a hermeneutic of these 16 verses through the prism of vocation and mission. The work is divided into two parts, the first one that addresses the context in which this gospel arose and the key concepts of this passage and the second part emphasizes the ecclesiastical implications of the parabola. In the final considerations there is a reflection about the modern implications of this passage.


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Author Biography

Antonio Francisco Jacaúna Neto, FAJE

Mestre em Teologia Bíblica pelo CES-ISI, 2003, atual FAJE. Professor de Bíblia na Faculdade de Teologia da Arquidiocese de Brasília.


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Hermeneutics and Exegesis