Certain songs: Theology and literature in brazilian music


  • Antônio Manzatto PUC-SP




Theology and Literature. Theological anthropology. Songs. Brazilian music. Brazilian culture.


It is true that music is not literature, and the songs are not just poetry set to music. However, it would be possible, as for the relationship between theology and literature, establish relationships between theology and songs? The study below illustrates this possibility when analyzing, anthropologically and theologically, a Brazilian song. The objective is to demonstrate that there is a possibility of rapprochement between theological reflection and interpretation, at least, the words of the songs that speak to people’s hearts.


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Author Biography

Antônio Manzatto, PUC-SP

Doutor em Teologia pela Universidade Católica de Lovaina (Bélgica, 1993). Um dos iniciadores no Brasil dos estudos que relacionam teologia e literatura e atualmente professor de teologia sistemática na PUC-SP.


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