Theology in the Renaissance and the Reformation


  • Urbano Zilles PUCRS


Philosophy. Theology. Humanism. Renaissance. Reform.


In the low Middle Age the catholic theology happens in the context of a Church which passed a “babilonic captivity” and the occidental chismatic division of catholicism that not only weaked the authority of popes ower the temporal power of emperors and kings, but also fixed the official doctrine in scholasticism, without considering the contribution of non scholastic thinkers, theologians and mystics. The theology lost their biblical fountain and their ground in the experience of faith. In this way was given place for the Reform which divided the occidental Christianism and created a distance between the official catholic doctrine and the scientific and cultural development from the Renaissance until de second Vatican Council.


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Author Biography

Urbano Zilles, PUCRS

Bacharel em Filosofia pela Faculdade de Filosofia Nsa. Sra da Imaculada Conceiçãoe Teologia pela Theologishe Hochschule Beuron. Doutorado em Teologia pela Universitat Münster. Atualmente é professor de Teologia na PUCRS.



Theology Makes Way