Volunteerism: benefits for both providers and recipients


  • Alexander Sapiro
  • Rita Mattiello




volunteering, volunteerism, beneficence, students, medical, curriculum.


Aims: It is paramount that attention to human and social aspects of the medical profession not be overlooked in medical schools. The present article deals with volunteerism and its social aspects, focusing on the actions developed by medical students, with the aim of arousing their generosity and beneficence.

Methods: This article consists of a literature review, report on practical experience, and reflections about volunteer activities, looking into its effects on the participants.

Results: Volunteerism is characterized by giving one’s time and knowledge in the interest of the society in which one lives, on an unpaid basis, attaching importance to the community or to the others. According to the United Nations Organization, a volunteer is someone who, out of personal interest or citizenship, devotes some time to activities aimed at social welfare or public services, without any remuneration. Volunteerism allows exercising generosity and beneficence towards others, especially towards the neediest. It is desirable that students become more open to differences and be generous in their future professional activities. Furthermore, research has shown that selflessness, kindheartedness, and generosity activate areas of the brain that release endorphins, thus increasing the sensation of happiness and reducing stress and anxiety, in addition to other physiological effects, such as reduction of tension and improvement of immunological function. Notwithstanding these benefits, it is necessary to give some thought to how willing one is to regard volunteerism as an officially curricular activity in medical schools.

Conclusions: Volunteer activities in medical schools can offer students direct contact with communities and people, especially with socially vulnerable individuals, promoting greater human involvement and bringing benefits for both providers and recipients of volunteer work. Being able to help and allowing being helped can open up opportunities and build collaboration and solidarity networks, which are conditions or virtues necessary for the good practice of medicine.


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How to Cite

Sapiro, A., & Mattiello, R. (2016). Volunteerism: benefits for both providers and recipients. Scientia Medica, 26(4), ID25631. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-6108.2016.4.25631



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