Scientia Medica following the international trend towards electronic presentation


  • Eleonor G. Lago Faculdade de Medicina, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, RS



Publishing/trends, Editorial policies, Scientific publications, Publication formats, Electronic publishing.


Following a worldwide trend, from 2015 Scientia Medica will be published only in electronic format. This will be one more milestone in the history of this journal, created in printed form in November 1988, with the name of "Revista de Medicina da PUCRS". In 1999 a section was created for the journal on the website of the School of Medicine, but the whole editorial process was still developed in the traditional way, by post and printed material. In 2004 the title changed to Scientia Medica and the journal has opened its boundaries, starting to stimulate submissions from multiple institutions and from around the world.

Adopting the electronic-only model will not change the scientific rigor of Scientia Medica, which will keep exactly the same process of peer-review and editorial guidelines that have already been adopted. Article-based publishing will be maintained and completion of the issues will occur with the same periodicity. The final layout will remain the same, and the full texts will be available in PDF, with free access. 


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How to Cite

Lago, E. G. (2015). Scientia Medica following the international trend towards electronic presentation. Scientia Medica, 25(1), ID21118.


