Radio and Regionalization in the Information Society: The Brazilian Case


  • Dóris Fagundes Haussen Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul



Communication, radio, Digital radio


The accelerated process of convergence between the three traditional technologies - telephony, television and computer science - has led to what has been termed the "Interactive Revolution" and its consequences. In the same medium, computer, television, video and telephone are combined, capable of receiving data, text, sound and image at the same time. This interactive revolution spread through the so-called "freeways" of information "generates the possibility of a volume of information and communication never before imagined.


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Author Biography

Dóris Fagundes Haussen, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor at the Faculty of Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Haussen, D. F. (2009). Radio and Regionalization in the Information Society: The Brazilian Case. Revista FAMECOS, 5(8), 79–87.


