Figures of immediacy in the visual rhetoric of advertising


  • Angie Biondi Federal University of Bahia
  • Benjamim Picado Federal University of Bahia



Communication, advertising, imaginary


The purpose of this text is to present the question of the "imaginary of communication", proper to contemporary advertising images, from the discussion about how the theme of the grotesque is worked by them, in the context of their visual discourse (that is, from Of the iconic-plastic matter of his images).


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Author Biographies

Angie Biondi, Federal University of Bahia

Master's Student of the Communication Faculty of the Federal University of Bahia

Benjamim Picado, Federal University of Bahia

Professor at Federal University of Bahia


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How to Cite

Biondi, A., & Picado, B. (2008). Figures of immediacy in the visual rhetoric of advertising. Revista FAMECOS, 13(31), 117–124.



Consumption and image