The President at Big Brother Brazil: Lula's interview at Fantástico as paradigm of spectacularized journalism


  • Álvaro Nunes Larangeira Tuiuti University of Paraná



Communication, society of the spectacle, reality show


This work deals with the spectacularization of journalism from the interview granted by the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to Rede Globo and broadcast on January 1, 2006. The episode extrapolated its journalistic character to take the bias of the show, Corroborating to this the presence of the presenter Pedro Bial, icon of the program Big Brother Brazil. To support this premise, one will resort to Guy Debord's theses on the Society of the Spectacle, Henri-Pierre Jeudy's exposition of the mediatization of power, Jean Baudrillard's notion of the total perceived fabric, the concept of information - a showcase worked by João Canavilhas and Fernando Andacht's research on Big Brother Brazil.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Nunes Larangeira, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Languages of the Tuiuti University of Paraná


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How to Cite

Larangeira, Álvaro N. (2008). The President at Big Brother Brazil: Lula’s interview at Fantástico as paradigm of spectacularized journalism. Revista FAMECOS, 13(30), 39–45.



Journalism and representation