Changing graphic design: instability as a rule


  • Rudnei Kopp University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).



Communication, graphic design, modernity


This work aims at identifying and analyzing the main factors that have stimulated the appearance of a mutant graphic design. For that effect, it reflects upon the transition of Modernity to Postmodernity and upon the history of graphic design in general, specially from the Industrial Revolution onwards. The phenomenon of a mutant graphic design is identified and characterized with the help of examples which break with the habits and the rules of functionalist design of the Modernist school. The possible causes responsible for the appearance and development of a design philosophy which cultivates an unstable visual identity for graphic publications are related to social and cultural changes in contemporary society.


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Author Biography

Rudnei Kopp, University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).

Professor and researcher of the Department of Social Communication of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).


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How to Cite

Kopp, R. (2008). Changing graphic design: instability as a rule. Revista FAMECOS, 9(18), 106–117.


