The authorial advertising film: an analysis of the work of Sofia Coppola




Auteur theory. Authorial advertising. Advertising film.


Abstract: for many years the artistic nature of advertising was denied by different theoretical currents, which were radically opposed to seeing it as part of the sacred world of the arts, we sought in this article to give artistic legitimacy to a very particular type of advertising film, analyzing it by its aesthetic and artistic bias. Specifically, we focus on a class of audiovisual advertising which can be included in what is known in  the art cinema by author’s cinema or authorial cinema. We went from this work to nominate authorial advertising. With the analysis made from a corpus composed of advertising films by a renowned, cinematographic filmmaker that fit this classification. Our proposal is demonstrated by the reading of some contemporary theories of art, politics ten auteurs and author theory.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Eduardo Ribaric, Centro Universitário Autônomo do Brasil, Curitiba, PR

Doutor em Comunicação e Linguagens pela Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP). Professor do Centro Universitário Autônomo do Brasil (UNIBRASIL).


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Dior – La vie en rose. Disponível em:

GAP – Natal. Disponível em:

GAP – Pinball. Disponível em:

Marni – H&M. Disponível em:

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How to Cite

Ribaric, M. E. (2019). The authorial advertising film: an analysis of the work of Sofia Coppola. Revista FAMECOS, 26(1), e30498.



Advertising and Marketing