The communication turn. Or because the studies “media coverage”, of habit and Media Theory pass off the communication


  • Ciro Marcondes Filho Universidade de São Paulo



Media theory, Mediatization, Communication event


Semiotics deals with habits change as mind effect, as modification trends of a person in relation to the action, but ignores the time of passage, namely the communication event. The political study of domination exercised by the media (media theory) does sociology, it is a study of technologies applicable to the society. The recent appropriation of the media by social basis through networks does not alter the character of its investigation, only suggests a collapse of the pyramid vertical structure to the benefit of its horizontal use. We are therefore still in the “media”, in mediatization. There is no reason, therefore, oppose the neologism “midiatizar” to mediatization, it is tautological and only confuses. Communication occurs via the media, it is medial (das Mediale), but is not necessarily mediatic. Is in the medial everything should start.


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Author Biography

Ciro Marcondes Filho, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor Titular da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP, coordenador do FiloCom - Núcleo de Estudos Filosóficos da Comunicação


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How to Cite

Marcondes Filho, C. (2015). The communication turn. Or because the studies “media coverage”, of habit and Media Theory pass off the communication. Revista FAMECOS, 22(2), 134–157.


