YouTube as a space for the construction of networked memories: opportunities and challenges


  • Paula Regina Puhl Feevale
  • Willian Fernandes Araújo Feevale



Memory, New media, YouTube, Internet.


This article aims to study YouTube as a tool for construction of collective memory in digital form. For the concept of collective memory we use Halbwachs (1990) in conjunction with Pollak (1989) and Santos (2003). Such ideas are the starting point to discuss the memory in digital media from authors as Rosnay (2006) and Casalegno (2006) among other authors who promote research on the influence of new media in the collective memory. An analysis of YouTube was organized into five categories: store/ post; categorization/tags; sharing; interaction mechanisms; and tools of suggestion by the system. The analysis found that the collective memory network is constructed by both the action of the system and by user action, allowing constant flow between the individual and collective manifestations.


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How to Cite

Puhl, P. R., & Araújo, W. F. (2013). YouTube as a space for the construction of networked memories: opportunities and challenges. Revista FAMECOS, 19(3), 705–722.



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