The pixelization of the wall: urban graffiti, digital technologies and visual culture


  • Ricardo Campos CEMRI



Graffiti, digital media, internet, visual culture


In this article we focus on graffiti as a device for youth’s visual communication in the city, exploring the way that the huge technological and social mutations have produced shifts in how graffiti is conceived. These mutations, having been observed in the last years, mainly regard the wide dissemination of digital technologies and platforms. Based on a study done in the metropolitan area of Lisbon, we try to examine new facets of this cultural practice, mainly its growing presence in the virtual space. The progressive democratization of both the internet and the access to digital technologies in Portugal, has offered youngsters new communication possibilities. Those who make graffiti have, nowadays, the opportunity to reach vast audiences, disseminating throughout virtual space their visual productions (mostly through pictures and videos of their work and graffiti missions). This is what we call the pixelization of the wall a continuous process towards the construction of a virtual sphere where graffiti acquires more and more relevance.


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How to Cite

Campos, R. (2012). The pixelization of the wall: urban graffiti, digital technologies and visual culture. Revista FAMECOS, 19(2), 543–566.


