The consumption of the representation of the quality of life


  • Ricardo Ferreira Freitas UERJ
  • Daniela Menezes Neiva Barcellos UERJ



Quality of life, consumption, food


This article examines aspects of consumption and quality of life, inspired by the massive influence of the media in building an atmosphere of balance of emotions and well-being, affecting the consumption of material and immaterial in the context of cities. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the representation of the quality of life through communication, through the consumption in the city, and its relationship to the narratives disseminated by the media about healthy eating. To illustrate this theme, present throughout the study quotes on research based on the representation of quality of life in Vida Simples magazine, published by Abril publishing house, focusing on food, in reference to the texts of Eating section in the period from January to June 2010.


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How to Cite

Freitas, R. F., & Barcellos, D. M. N. (2012). The consumption of the representation of the quality of life. Revista FAMECOS, 19(1), 168–188.




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