The effervescence of Gilles Deleuze’s way of thinking: connections and propositions in education




Deleuze. Education. Philosophy. Thought. Recognition


In the field of education, commonly illuminated by the prism of recognition and representation, to activate the mode of thought of Gilles Deleuze and summon him as a research company is to drop an effervescent pill into a glass of water. The liquid changes, the molecules agitate; there is movement, noise, noise, excitement, enthusiasm, tumult, transformation. This is because in the context of teaching, which is ruled by the Platonic matrix, the ideas of the philosopher are a disturbance. An euphoria. His propositions challenge the way of thinking, taking off the security of processes, without safeguarding nothing, and breaking established and consecrated boundaries. In this scenario, the purpose of this article is to present some boiling points of Gilles Deleuze’s way of thinking, through propositions of the philosopher himself. From these, connections are armed with other authors and with the literature. These are Antonio Candido and Marcel Proust. In this way, the intention is to rehearse possibilities with education and, at the same time, to shed light on the radicality that exists in Deleuzian philosophy.


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Author Biography

Lilian dos Santos Silva, Universidade de São Paulo (FEUSP), São Paulo, SP.

Doutoranda em Educação pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP, São Paulo, SP).


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How to Cite

Silva, L. dos S. (2020). The effervescence of Gilles Deleuze’s way of thinking: connections and propositions in education. Educação Por Escrito, 11(1), e32727.


