Deaf teachers and bullying: a necessary debate




Deaf teachers. Libras. Hearing students. Bullying


In this article, we discuss bullying situations experienced by deaf teachers who work with hearing students. It aims to analyzing types of subjective behaviors by deaf teachers in face of bullying situations. This study highlights different perspectives on the bullying phenomenon experienced by the deaf in the school environment. The methodological procedures were studies on the theoretical framework and a survey responded by deaf teachers. The results showed that deaf teachers also need to be prepared for bullying situations in order to strengthen their subjectivity towards a positive overcoming posture. While some deaf teachers were strengthened by the situations experienced, others demonstrated not to be prepared to work in a classroom in the occurrence of bullying. There are still those who were seriously traumatized. In this direction it is pointed out the need of inclusive educational spaces for students and teachers at all levels and modalities of teaching.


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How to Cite

Valsechi, G. S. V. S., & Martins, L. J. (2020). Deaf teachers and bullying: a necessary debate. Educação Por Escrito, 11(1), e32058.


