The principle of the interdisciplinary in the practice teacher of the discipline Project Applied at UNA Institute of Technology


  • Vitor De Lazzari Bicalho Centro Universitário UNA
  • Lucília R. S. Machado Centro Universitário UNA



Applied Project. Interdisciplinarity. Teaching practice. Technological undergraduation courses.


This article analyzes the results of qualitative and descriptive research about professor’s practice of interdisciplinarity in the discipline of Applied Interdisciplinary Project at undergraduate courses of UNA Institute of Technology (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais). The aim of interdisciplinary dialogue, which has been presented in many areas of social life as work field and school, it is a way to overcome the fragmented view of reality and to promote collaborative processes of production and socialization of knowledge. The data collected through teacher’s interviews were organized into five categories of analysis: reasons, resources, enablers, difficult aspects and conditions that need to be created. The investigation has found evidences that teachers have acted in an intuitive way in addition to lack of practical interpretation of this principle. The article concludes that the effectiveness of the institutional intention in developing this principle presents itself as a challenge and that, despite the difficulties found, teachers have demonstrated great interest in overcoming it.


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How to Cite

Bicalho, V. D. L., & Machado, L. R. S. (2015). The principle of the interdisciplinary in the practice teacher of the discipline Project Applied at UNA Institute of Technology. Educação Por Escrito, 6(1), 39–53.


