The act of reading and teacher training in distance education


  • Mary Elizabeth Cerutti-Rizzatti UFSC
  • Aline Cassol Daga UFSC


Written language, Reading, Distance Education.


Courses that turn out graduates via Distance Education contemporaneously tend to require greater proficiency in reading for students, given that the interaction processes of mediation in the appropriation of knowledge of written language is prevalent. It is therefore a process focused on the reader, because content and procedures need to be read. This article focuses on some implications of this training process guided by the written language and therefore the act of reading, for which it is essential that students be proficient in reading comprehension in several genres, so that they can construct meaning of the contents read, appropriating concepts and methods that enable them to act in a consistent manner in the profession. This discussion assumes greater importance as institutional indicators (Pisa, Inaf) show that Brazil has not consolidated a tradition in shaping readers of more elaborate texts, signaling for a student not accustomed to more complex reading material, which require greater abstraction. The formation of this reader, in our understanding, demands consideration that the appropriation of the written language is a cultural process, such states Gee (2004), and appears to have expressive implications in the appropriation of knowledge through a process of Distance Education prevalently anchored in reading.


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Author Biographies

Mary Elizabeth Cerutti-Rizzatti, UFSC

Doutora em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2004). Atualmente é professora adjunta do Departamento de Língua e Literaturas Vernáculas (DLLV), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Aline Cassol Daga, UFSC

Mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, bolsista Cnpq.



How to Cite

Cerutti-Rizzatti, M. E., & Cassol Daga, A. (2011). The act of reading and teacher training in distance education. Letrônica, 3(2), 153–166. Retrieved from


