Mandarin and Cantonese language patterns transfer in PAL learners

Considerations on interpreting teaching in Macao




Macao, Portuguese-Chinese Consecutive Interpretation, Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL), Language Transfer, Chinese learner


Based on the premise of talk about “Chinese as a mother tongue” is talk about of a spectrum of different languages and dialects, the aim of this study is to verify the mother languages language transfer patterns of Chinese learners of Portuguese as an Additional Language during the practice of consecutive interpretation from Portuguese to Mandarin (Putonghua). In addition, is also our objective to verify the variables that can affect the interpreting production of Mandarin for Cantonese mother tongue speakers. Therefore, the production of consecutive interpretation of 16 learners will be analyzed, and they are divided into two control groups: one group consists of 8 Cantonese as mother tongue / L1 speakers and one group is composed by 8 Mandarin as mother tongue / L1 speakers. The results point out that, even though Cantonese speakers have a lower language proficiency in the target language, their interpretation expresses the original texts with greater efficiency, supporting the hypothesis that the language education, the multilingual and the multi-cultural society of Macau contribute positively to the practice of interpretation.


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Author Biographies

Júlio Reis Jatobá, University of Macau

Department of Portuguese, Senior Instructor of Translation Studies

Weng Fong Ho, Instituto Politécnico de Macau (IPM), Macau, China

Licenciada em Estudos Portugueses pela Universidade de Macau (UM). Mestranda em Tradução e Interpretação Chinês-Português pelo Instituto Politécnico de Macau (IPM).


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How to Cite

Jatobá, J. R., & Ho, W. F. (2020). Mandarin and Cantonese language patterns transfer in PAL learners: Considerations on interpreting teaching in Macao. Letras De Hoje, 55(4), e38358.



Dossier: Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA)