Acquisition of the definite article by Chinese learners of PLA




Definite Article, Generic and Non-Generic Contexts, PLA, Chinese Learners


The present study aims to observe how Chinese learners whose mother tongue does not have the article system acquire the definite article (AD) in Portuguese as an additional language (PLA), trying to verify the omission and excessive generalization of this article in their interlanguage. In addition, it also aims to determine whether the use of AD in the generic context and non-generic contexts classified according to the model adapted from that of Liu and Gleason (2002), presents a difference in the level of difficulty for Chinese learners. In this context, individual interviews were conducted with Chinese university students of Portuguese at an intermediate level. The data obtained based on quantitative analyzes show not very marked omission of AD and excessive generalization of AD in non-standard constructions of Chinese learners’ interlanguage where AD in Portuguese should not be used. In addition, certain non-generic linguistic contexts in AD are easier than others, which supports the statement by Liu and Gleason (2002). The study contributes to show the variations that occurred in the process of acquisition of Portuguese AD by Chinese learners of intermediate proficiency level, who should dedicate this acquisition of AD throughout the whole process.


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Author Biography

Jing Zhang, Universidade de Macau, Macau, China

Doutora em Linguística, professora auxiliar do Departamento de Português da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Macau


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How to Cite

Zhang, J. (2020). Acquisition of the definite article by Chinese learners of PLA. Letras De Hoje, 55(4), e38099.



Dossier: Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA)