The Working Group Educational Psychology in the meetings of ANPEd Southeast

a study from the research presented from 2014 to 2022




ANPED, ANPED Southeast, educational psychology


The objective of this article is to analyze the aspects that influenced the development of GT 20 - Psychology of Education in the meetings of ANPEd Sudeste and to identify the themes and theoretical-methodological bases that are contemplated in academic productions and disseminated by the works presented, in the period of 2014 to 2022. The working method aims at: (a) historical contextualization of the constitution of GT 20 at ANPEd and the constitution of the GT within the Southeast Regional scope; (b) survey of information from the biannual meetings of the Southeast Regional ANPEd in which GT 20 - Psychology of Education participated; (c) presentation of WG 20 for each of the meetings between 2014 and 2022; (d) identification and analysis of factors that influenced the development of GT 20 in ANPED Sudeste meetings; (e) analysis of the themes and theoretical-methodological bases contemplated in academic productions and disseminated by the works. As a result, institutional and specific factors that contributed to the development of GT 20 in the period under analysis are verified.


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Author Biographies

Maria Eliza Mattosinho Bernardes, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

PhD from the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo (FE-USP), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the University of São Paulo (FE-USP), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Coordinator of the Psychological Education and Development Laboratory. Member of the ANPED Educational Psychology Working Group. Researcher at the Alfredo Bosi Chair of Basic Education – IEA USP.

Marilene Proença Rebello de Souza, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

PhD in School Psychology and Human Development from the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Full Professor at the Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo (IP-USP), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Undergraduate and Postgraduate professor and IC researcher at CNPq. Coordinator of the Interinstitutional Laboratory for Studies and Research in School Psychology. Member of the ANPEd Educational Psychology Working Group. Member of the Academia Paulista de Psicologia, Chair no. 02, “Lourenço Filho”.


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How to Cite

Mattosinho Bernardes, M. E., & Proença Rebello de Souza, M. (2023). The Working Group Educational Psychology in the meetings of ANPEd Southeast: a study from the research presented from 2014 to 2022. Educação, 46(1), e44761.



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