A esthetic of existence as educational fact





education, aesthetics of existence, power, freedom


This essay proposes to mean the aesthetics of existence as an educational fact. The Foucauldian notion of aesthetics of existence finds the Gadamerian notion of fact, leading to the proposition of inquiring, educational assumption, and expectation contexts, in a different way to the notion of ideal models converted into standardized forms of existence. We advocate education on the basis of the aesthetics of existence, a condition for the construction of a beautiful project of the self, constituting life as a work of art in the perspective of the common and of the preservation of the human condition. From a philosophical perspective, the aesthetics of existence is discussed as a response to power relations in the sphere of governmentality, but also as a condition of power relations under the criterion of freedom.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio João Farinon, University of the West of Santa Catarina (UNOESC), Joaçaba, SC, Brazil.

PhD in Education and Master in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education – master's and doctorate – at the University of Western Santa Catarina (UNOESC), in Joaçaba, SC, Brazil.

Deise Cristiane de Luca, University of the West of Santa Catarina (UNOESC), São Miguel do Oeste, SC, Brazil.

Master in Education and Technology from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul), in Pelotas, RS, Brazil. PhD student in Education at the University of Western Santa Catarina (UNOESC), in Joaçaba, SC, Brazil. Professor at the University of the West of Santa Catarina (UNOESC), in São Miguel do Oeste, SC, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Farinon, M. J., & de Luca, D. C. (2023). A esthetic of existence as educational fact. Educação, 46(1), e44731. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2023.1.44731



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